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Chopstick lampshade tutorial – Make a boho-inspired lampshade

Make a super cute boho-inspired natural wood chopstick lampshade with a very small budget! Because recycling small materials is one of my passions, check how I transform some 99c store chopstick into a super cute lampshade!

chopstick lampshade tutorial

A few weeks before I left for my Chile vacations MIL took me to one of my new favorite store! the 99c store! it's crazy how much stuff they have all for 99c, for someone like me, that had her first visit after never seen anything like that in my home country, it's pretty awesome!

And even though I would not buy things I need quality there, why not get the ones I need quantity?

I purchased 2 bags of 50 chopsticks for $1.98 pretty good huh? – But the best part with what I made with it, a pretty lampshade for my craft room =] So now I get to share how I made it in case you also want to make one!

The materials

The process

the materials

Step Uno – First you will need to start marking your chopsticks, I marked 1/2″ on the top and the bottom, do that very light on the back of the chopstick (the plain side without the center crack) but depending on how you want it to look you can do it the other way, I just really liked the pattern left when they were all together.

tie them together

Step Dos – Cut 4 long pieces of hemp twine, mine were about 3 feet, but I end up cutting a long excess, but I would recommend you to have a long extra than missing so 3 feet is always save =] make a loose knot at the beginning, use the mark in the chopstick to hug it with the hemp, place a tini drop of hot glue in the back of the chopstick to secure the hemp twine to the chopstick.

repeat at the bottom

Step Tres – Repeat the same process for the bottom, I found it easier to do 3 at a time. Tie 3 on the top, then do the bottom and repeat. Remember to always cross your two pieces of hemp twine in the same direction to have a clean look.

keep tie

Step Cuatro – Now repeat and measure how long you will need your piece to be, I didn't use all my chopsticks because I was happy with the size I had, if you are using an old lampshade use it as a reference and measure with it.

tie the ends of the lampshade

Step Cinco – Once you have the length you need, untie the knots you did at the beginning carefully.

glue the wires

Step Seis – After that start hot gluing (I would recommend you to start in the center and then go to the ends) your chopsticks to the old lampshade frame or your wire if you want to do your own structure. I did but on my next, I will use an old lampshade for sure because I didn't really like making my own when I can get the structure for a dollar or so at a thrift store.

tie the twine

Step Siete – Once at the end, what I did was double cross my hemp twine from my fist and last chopstick, like shown in the picture. Repeat that in the top and the bottom. for a clean look I cut and hot glued the ends on the inside.

the final lampshade
lampshade made out of chopsticks

I love the raw feel that the wood and the hemp twine have together, but I was thinking about making a different one and play with bright colors or maybe just a tint for a darker brown.

boho chopstick lampshade

I hope you all enjoy and I'd love to see pictures if anyone attempts this cute and simple lampshade =]

Since winter is coming, this was my first attempt making a tutorial at night to test my indoor pictures, that way I have no excuse to not make tutorials when the days and gray (my less favorite days ever) – So I hope you like it!

* This tutorial is provided for personal, non-commercial use only.
Check the Site policy at the bottom for further information. Thank you!


Monday 20th of April 2015

Appreciation to my father who told me about this website, this weblog is truly amazing.


Monday 25th of March 2013

Hi there, This is such a great idea! Just a question tho: did you use normal glue sticks with the hot glue gun? I read somewhere that hot glue gun comes "unstuck" with the heat from the bulb? Is there a heat-resistant glue that I can use instead?


Friday 23rd of December 2011

Hi, great idea! I'm actually making one for my grandmother who is Japanese for Christmas. How do you do the middle that will actually set on the lamp? Oh, and I'm decorating mine with just Japanese symbols for love and family in black paint. Simple idea that goes with the theme. Thanks!


Wednesday 30th of November 2011

What a cute idea! I love funky lampshades. I glittered one of my own over on my blog. :)


Tuesday 29th of November 2011

Hola al fin encuentro alguien que hable castellano en alguno de los tantos blogs que sigo, soy adicta a las manualidades y me encanto tu pantalla. La voy a poner en practica. Soy de TUcuman, la provincia mas chiquita de argentina. Te envidio todas las cosas que debes poder comprar allá para hacer manualidades. Acá no dejan entrar nada. Hasta los alfileres son espectaculares allá. Bueno no te aburro mas , saludos.


Tuesday 29th of November 2011

Hola Annie! Cuando era chica vivimos en Salta, Argentina por 5 años =] Asi que pasamos por Tucuman muchas veces! A mi me encanta cuando me dejan mensajes en español =] Y la mayoria de las cosas con las que hago manualidades las compro en Chile, porque es mas barato que aca, a menos que este en oferta hehe. Un saludo bien grande! XO

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